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手工細做傳統台中豬肉肉圓. 外皮是由現磨台灣逢萊米和薯粉混合製成. 內包新鮮台灣豬肉,台灣竹筍,油蔥酥. 蒸熟後再油熱完成. 百年傳承. 台灣著名傳統小吃.

One of the most famous Taiwanese meals. Hand-crafted product.  Major materials are pork, bamboo shoots, and fried red onion wrapped with potato-rice mixed powder and heated by vegetable oil after well steamed.


食用方式: 溫熱食

調味指數: 微甜米醬. 蒜頭醬油鹹味. 辣椒微粒米醬(外加). 香菜(外加)

豬肉 肉圓 Pork BaWan

庫存單位: AA01
  • 冷藏保存. 請於兩日內食用.

    冷藏後打開包裝盒蓋子用微波爐加熱1分鐘食用, 或蒸熱食用.

    如要保存超過兩天請放於冷凍庫內. 冷凍時間請勿超過15天.

    冷凍後食用請先解凍, 打開包裝盒蓋子用微波爐加熱1分鐘食用, 或蒸熱食用.

    Good for keeping  in refrigerator up to 3 days. Reheat 1 minute with microwave oven. Good for keeping in refreezer up to 30 days. Reheat 1 minute with microwave oven after unfrozen.

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